Short Break Services for Children and Young People with Disabilities

Dear Parent/Carer

Short Break Services for Children and Young People with Disabilities

I am writing to inform you of an online consultation that will be taking place around Children’s Short Breaks service provide by London Borough of Redbridge in between 6 December 2021 and 28 January 2022.

The purpose of the online consultation is to look at service users’ current experience of the existing Short Breaks provision and what service users would like the new services to look like. It is not about reducing services or changing existing provision.

The current services available within the Short Breaks provision provided by London Borough of Redbridge comes to an end in August 2022. This does not mean that the Short Breaks provision ends but the current services available will be reviewed before this time to make sure that they are suitable for the children and young people accessing them.

As a parent/carer your views are essential on services provided by Short Breaks. We will be using your views to co-design the services available to children and young people.

Taking part in the online consultation will be the start of the process. It is not the only opportunity for parents and children to discuss the future shape of our short breaks provision.

We are working closely with our colleagues in SEN and Empowering Parents Together (EPT) Parent Carer Forum to arrange a number of sessions to help us both co design the future short breaks provision. In these sessions we will also look at the SEND Strategy which the short beaks provision forms an integral part.

The dates of these are:

These sessions will be virtual using the link alongside each specific date.

In addition, we have arranged a further two dates during the day. The dates of the daytime meetings are as follows:

In both the online questionnaire and the co-design sessions parents/carers and young people will have the opportunity to tell us about the services that are working well, the type of services you would like to continue, services that you feel are not working well and other services you feel would be beneficial to your child and family.

We are asking for parent/carers to complete the following online survey.

'Have your say’ using the following link:

The link is now live from 6 December 2021.

You can also contact your Social Worker or Reviewing Officer for support to complete the survey or you can email Penny Fordham on and provide your views this way.

In addition, parents also have the services of EPT who can help and support families through this process.

You can reach EPT on

Their new mobile phone numbers are 07486 880799 and 07486 880646.

You can also follow them on Twitter @EPT_Redbridge.

Their website is

The survey will close on 11 February 2022.

All feedback collected will be reviewed and used for us to develop the new framework and the delivery of service for the new Short Breaks provision planned from August 2022.

Yours scincerely,

John Anthony
Head of Service
Looked After Children, Leaving Care, Fostering, Adoption
& Children with Disabilities


Page last reviewed: 14/02/2022

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