An Introduction to Care Packages/Short Breaks

It is not unusual for parents and children to need a break from each other, however some families with disabled children may need more support or support of a different type. This section provides information on Care Packages/Short Breaks available to families and details of how to get the support you and your child need.

What is a Care Package/Short Break?

There are various types of care packages but they all aim to provide opportunities for children to experience new activities, interact and build relationships with new people. At the same time it offers parents and families the opportunity to have time to themselves to do things that they wouldn’t usually be able to do, or to spend time together as a family in a supportive setting.

It is often thought that Care Packages are simply a way of giving parents a break from caring for their child but children can benefit from short breaks as much as their parents and families.

There is a new provider Framework for Short Breaks starting from 1st November 2022, for more information, please visit the Local Offer website regularly for updates.

What about mainstream activities?

Families may wish to consider mainstream activities however they are not contained within the Care Packages section of this website. We have however provided links through to mainstream activities in the Parents & Carers section such as Things to do; Places to go; Childcare; and Education.

Within the Care Packages section you will also find the section “Support to access a care package”. This section provides information on services that are available to assist your child in accessing Care Packages. For example there are services and funding available for eligible children who are starting at a childcare setting where additional support is required.

You may however find that some mainstream activities and support may not be able to accommodate your child’s needs, such as if your child has particular access requirements or requires lifting.

Types of Care Package

Here are some of the types of Care Package available to families:

  • Direct Payments to allow children to accesss community services
  • Befriending
  • Specialist Activities/Services
  • Short breaks away from home

Care packages are not designed for Education Needs, Babysiiting/Day Care provision or to cover when a family goes on holiday without their child/young person.

Within the Care Packages section you will find a range of these short breaks available for families. Some are funded and some are arranged directly by an organisation.

The new Short Breaks Booklet is available on the download section of this page.

Page last reviewed: 05/03/2024

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